Our news

  • Striking the Right Balance: How Workplace Wellness Fosters Moderation

    In our fast-paced, often excessive culture, the idea of “moderation” can seem outdated or bland. But finding the healthy middle ground is key to sustainable well-being and success. That’s where workplace wellness programs play a vital role. The Challenge of Moderation Let’s face it – moderation is hard. Our human nature tends to veer towards…


  • How to Spot Signs of Stress in Employees and Provide Support

    Stress is a common part of life, but when it starts to impact your employees’ work and well-being, it’s time to take action. As a manager or business leader, it’s important to be aware of the signs of stress in your team and have strategies in place to provide support. Catching stress early can prevent…


  • The Power of Support for Sustainable Healthy Living

    As a business owner or leader in northern Colorado, you understand the value of investing in your most important asset – your employees. One area that can significantly impact productivity, morale, and healthcare costs is employee wellness. If you’re considering implementing a wellness program, it’s crucial to recognize the power of support in helping your…


  • Employer Wellness Programs:  Navigating the Concerns

    When it comes to implementing a wellness program, many employers face several concerns: Privacy Concerns: There are privacy issues around collecting and using employees’ personal health data, such as from biometric screenings or health risk assessments. Employers must ensure compliance with laws like HIPAA and ADA to protect employee privacy. Legal Risks: Wellness programs that…


  • The Vital Importance of Employee Wellbeing for Business Success

    In today’s fast-paced and demanding business world, it’s all too easy for companies to get caught up in chasing profits, growth, and productivity at the expense of their most valuable asset – their employees. However, forward-thinking organizations are realizing that prioritizing employee wellbeing isn’t just a nice-to-have perk, but a strategic imperative that can drive…


  • Unfiltered:  Why Influencers Health and Fitness Tips Can Be Toxic

    In the digital age, social media influencers have become powerful voices, sharing advice and inspiration with millions of followers across various industries – including health, fitness, and mental wellbeing.  While many influencers provide valuable content, there are significant risks in relying too heavily on their guidance rather than seeking advice from qualified experts. Without proper…


  • Cultivating Motivation: A Path to Workplace Success

    Motivation is not a fixed trait, but rather a skill that can be developed and nurtured over time. As the TEDx by Ayelet Fishbach highlighted, motivation is not something people are born with, but rather something they must learn to cultivate.  This is an important insight for both individuals and employers looking to drive success…


  • The Vital Role of Hobbies in Adult Mental Health: Exploring the Benefits and Opportunities in Northern Colorado

    In the whirlwind of adult responsibilities, it’s easy to sideline hobbies as mere indulgences. However, delving into a hobby isn’t just about passing the time; it’s about nurturing your mental well-being and fostering meaningful connections. Whether it’s woodworking, gardening, painting, or hiking, hobbies offer a sanctuary of joy and fulfillment, playing a pivotal role in…


  • Normalizing Walking Errands: A Holistic Approach to Health and Sustainability

    In our modern, fast-paced world, the idea of running errands often conjures images of hopping in the car, navigating traffic, and squeezing tasks into already packed schedules. However, there’s a simple yet transformative approach we can adopt: normalizing walking to complete our errands. Walking not only accomplishes our tasks but also integrates exercise into our…


  • The Underrated Value of Financial Education in Wellness Programs

    In an era where wellness programs are increasingly becoming a staple in employee benefits, there’s a pivotal component that often goes overlooked: financial education. The connection between financial wellness and overall wellbeing is undeniable, yet it remains underemphasized in many company wellness strategies. A compelling illustration of this oversight can be seen through the experience…